Broomhill Clinic
18 Broomhill Road, Aberdeen.
Tel: 01224 572727
Regressions, Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy
Many of us encounter times when life feels harder than it needs to. Whether this feeling is new to us or is something we have always struggled with, it is possible to take some control back over our selves, our feelings and our lives.
With Regression therapy (including Past-Life Regression), Psychotherapy, Life coaching and Hypnotherapy, we can learn more about how we feel, why we feel it, how we get in our own way and we can learn how to find and be more like our true selves.
Regression therapy, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Life Coaching can help with many things:​
Stopping smoking
Weight Management
Unexplained physical symptoms
Persistent feelings and emotions
Anxiety / Stress
Past-Life Regression
Confidence & Self-Esteem
Relationships & boundaries
Bereavement and Grief
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Broomhill Clinic Practitioners
Nicky Spencer BSc (Hons), DipRTh, PDCHyp, PNLP, MBSCH
For more details, please click here or visit Nicky's website on: